Posts Tagged ‘depression’

Tears Burn

Clenched teeth and clenched eyes; burning rising in my chest. Breathing slowly. Knowing that if that first tear falls then it’s all over. Pinching inside my arm trying to will it stop, but this time, the pain is almost unbearable.

I’ve been a master of jarring emotions like preserves in the summer, but lately, I’ve been sloppy. Forgetting to tighten lids, placing jars on the edge… I’m just running out of room. I can only talk about this in pretty words and metaphors because I’m too afraid to face the truth of it all.

Washing dishes only to throw the sponge because you can feel it rising, again. Leaning over the sink, grinding your teeth and trying to will it back down. Telling yourself that you’ll deal with it tomorrow but tomorrow becomes tomorrow all over again. Blinking back tears, pressing your head deep into pillows and holding your breath.

Forcing smiles hoping they distract from eyes that are hiding pain.

Quietly passing time hoping that maybe it’ll get easier.

Knowing that facing the truth means facing fears.

Maybe one day I’ll let myself cry without trying to stop it.

Maybe one day I’ll let myself cry without rushing to wipe tears before they even escape my eyes.

The Big One

When it gets this ugly, it truly frightens me. To have zero control over your mind and over your emotions is a terrifying thing for a control freak. You can try to will yourself out of it and you can try to fight it but this thing will always remind you that it’s bigger and stronger. This thing is a part of me and it always wins, that’s scary.

I could sense it coming weeks ago and I became recluse. I didn’t stray too far away from home, I limited my social interactions and I tried to focus on myself. I didn’t know what triggered it but that didn’t mean it wasn’t coming. I battened down the hatches and I prepared for war. But it was sneaky this time. I thought I had it under control and then it slipped below my radar. It gave me a couple of days off and I wiped my brow and thought to myself, “we made it!” I spoke too soon. It came back and struck with a vengeance.

 It sucks. There’s not an eloquent way to put it. It fucking sucks. At least when there’s a trigger or a reason you can attack that and hope that it helps. There wasn’t a trigger, nothing ‘caused’ this and here I am; the lowest that I have been in a while. My relationship is the strongest it has ever been, my son is wonderful and healthy, and I’m working towards and watching my dream come to life. There isn’t anything “wrong”. And yet, I can’t get out of bed, I can’t will myself to go outside, I just feel trapped.

 It’s a scary and helpless feeling. I feel like I’m being suffocated. I feel as if I’m being held down and smothered by my emotions and my thoughts. It makes me angry. I can’t fight it when it gets to this point. I have to just lay down and let it roll over me.  I have to pray that when it’s all said and done that I’m still here. When this thing grows to the point where you can’t fight it, there isn’t anything that you can do. It takes on its own life and you become very small.

 The scariest part of living with this is the morbid reality that many people don’t survive. Many people who may have otherwise been fighters their entire lives, many people who would be considered strong and loved, many people who have had their “whole lives ahead of them”. When this thing gets ahold of people, all of those things pale in comparison. That scares me.

 I feel like I should mention that I’ve been in that dark place where you want it to roll over you and you want it to win. I’ve been there many times and in those moments I didn’t fear it. I welcomed it, I wanted it, I waited for it. It never took me. I tried to help it and it never took me. You can look at that and take what you want but I just know that I’ve quit before, I tried to help this thing win and I’m still here. That’s what I know.

 I just fear that one day this thing will get to be too much, too dark and too heavy. I fear that this thing will lead me to believe that my only option is to lay down and quit. I fear that in the moment I’ll mean it and feel it. Then what?

 I know today sucks. I know yesterday sucked. I know the last few weeks have sucked. But I also know that I’m in love. I know that I love my partner, my family, my son and my friends. I know that my life is in such a great place now, even though just a few years back I was willing to let this thing have it.  I know that.

 I fear the big one. I fear that one day this thing will strike similar to how it struck this time, without cause and prepared for war. I fear that in that moment I won’t feel like fighting. I fear that all of the things that I know won’t matter. I fear that I’ll become one of the people who have experienced this thing and couldn’t make it.

 I don’t know if that will happen. I just know what I know… this thing sucks. And today? This thing won’t win.

Hurts When I Breathe Part I

And it only hurts when I’m breathing
My heart only breaks when it’s beating
My dreams only die when I’m dreaming
So, I hold my breath–to forget

Shania Twain



The pain will always be the worst part. That much I’ve come to accept. This pain is here to stay. But the part that I haven’t let go of is this desire to be normal. All I really want is a sense of normalcy. Don’t ask me what normal means. And don’t try to tell me normal doesn’t exist, or some bullshit like that.


Normal is just not what this is. Normal is being able to process life without your mind going haywire. Normal is being able to trust someone. Normal is being able to feel sadness and happiness and whatever is in between, and not just the extremes of depression and [hypo] mania.


If I make it out of this struggle alive, it will be the hardest thing that I’ve ever done. Every time the scales shifts to the left and the depression seeps in, I’m so sure this will be the last time.  I’m convinced that this will be the time when I call it quits and just end it. It doesn’t get any easier. If anyone tells you differently, they’re lying. This depression kills. Literally. This depression is the most painful thing you could ever experience. It doesn’t make it any better trying to remind yourself that it’ll be over soon, it’s just a cycle. Reminding yourself of that, is just reminding yourself that it will be back. Where’s the optimism in that? Push through it one more time, just to reach some pseudo-happiness, just to come back around full circle to this abyss of nothingness?


It’s so difficult to remain hopeful, when you know it’s not going anywhere. It’s so difficult to believe it gets better, when you know it’s going to come back around. It’s all temporary. The good feelings are temporary. The blah feelings are temporary. The low feelings are temporary. This depression reminds you of your own mortality. Nothing lasts forever. And the saddest and scariest thing to me is that when I hear of another person with BP who takes his/her life, while most people are sad and talking about how they left their loved ones, I envy them, I get them. Every single day you will have to face this. Every single day you will have this. You can pray, you can cry, you can medicate, but it’s not going anywhere. From today until whenever your forever is, you will have this. And if the pain that those people felt is anything compared to the pain that I feel, I understand. And in all honesty, I’m so surprised that I’m still here.


Each time that scale slides to the left and the depression begin to seep in, my heart sinks. I try to remind myself of the reasons to stick around, but I’m just kidding myself. I couldn’t give any less of a fuck about anything once that depression comes. Each time it’s anyone’s call. It could be the last time. It could just blow over. No one knows. I don’t know.


I just want to be understood, but it’s difficult to be truly understood by someone who doesn’t live this. A lot of things about it don’t make sense. And a lot of things about it I’m not sure how to explain to the ignorant.


It hurts.

What hurts?



What’s wrong?


What’s everything?



Is there anything I can do?



Do you want to talk?



Do you want me to leave you alone?



What do you want?

I don’t know.


I can understand how that can be confusing and frustrating. I can understand how that could make your loved one(s) feel helpless and useless.


When I’m not sliding down the scale, I try so hard to make my needs clear so when I get like that, they’re prepared. I try so hard to talk about it and explain it to the people who matter most. So that when I get like this and I can’t speak so clearly, or explain so effectively, they’re prepared. Most people say they want to learn, they want to understand. But truth is, most just say that because it’s the nice thing to say. You explain and explain and explain, and when wartime hits, they don’t know what to do. Then they get frustrated. Then they get angry. Then they cause you to push further away when that’s the last thing you need.


Before wartime, you try to explain that you might be mean, you might be shut down, you might say things that are terrible, but you don’t mean it. You won’t talk. You won’t go out. You won’t eat. You won’t want to move. But you need them to stick it out. You need them to hold you tightly when you’re crying, and not push you to talk about it. You need them to understand that you don’t want to talk. You need them to hug you tighter when you try to pull away. You need them to see through the facade, the fake smiles, and the “I’m okay”s. You need them to realize that the “I’m okay” and “I’m fine” and all of those things are the default. You say that as a reflex. You need them to not be so passive and eager to say, “okay, I’ll give you your space.” Space is the worst thing you could do. You need them to read between the lines. You need them to hear your heart and not the words when they ask you what’s wrong. You need them to be able to read your eyes. You need them to be able to know that there’s more to it than what you’ll lead them to believe. You need them to get that you don’t want pity, or people to worry so you’ll lie and say you’re fine. You need them to be strong for you while you’re going through this. You need them to remind you that you’re beautiful, that you’re loved, that you’re needed, that the world needs you, that no one would be happy if you disappeared. It probably seems like silly things to say, but understand this; if you sat for one day, with some of the fucked up and terrible thoughts that go on in their head, you’d probably off yourself. So suck it up if you feel like an idiot saying “I’d miss you if you weren’t here” or “you’re special to me” or “you matter to me” or “I appreciate you.” Suck it up.


This is the toughest depression I have had to deal with because it’s not just me anymore. It’s so difficult to keep that in mind. I want to just crash and burn and just lay here. I want to starve myself. I want to drink. I want to just run away. But I can’t. I have a hostage inside of this bomb and he didn’t ask to be here. And that shit breaks my heart even more. He didn’t ask for any of this. I just can’t describe how hard it is to be concerned about his life and welfare when I don’t care about my own.  He depends on me. While a few years ago I’d probably grab a razor, or just walk out and disappear, or not eat for weeks… I can’t do those things now. I can’t kill a few bottles of liquor, I can’t chain smoke some cigarettes or face a few blunts. I have to sit with this. And the reality is I thought I had this under control. I choose not to medicate. And I saw nothing wrong with self-medicating as long as no addictions were formed or as long as my health wasn’t negatively affected. And now that I’m forced into sobriety, and I have this person whose very life depends on what I do to my body, I have to sit with this. I can’t run from it. I can’t drown it out. I can’t hide from it. And being left to sit with this… forcing me to face realities that I didn’t prepare myself for.


I’m sure the average person couldn’t stomach the thoughts that have crossed my mind in the last six days. The tears I’ve cried this week could fill bottles. And it’s not letting up. Each time I want to lay and just pray for it to be over, I feel him. He has no idea that he’s the only reason I’m still going right now. I keep praying that this thing doesn’t get him. If he has to feel even an ounce of what I go through, I’ll never forgive myself. He deserves a shot at normalcy, a shot at happiness… he deserves a normal mom.


I’ll keep hoping on it, and praying on it. He deserves better.


The pain will always be the worst part. It won’t go away. It’s here forever. I just hope that I can push through it and be the mother that he deserves, even if I can’t be the me that I deserve.

Letter to an Asshole


Dear Asshole,


I remember when trying to move on seemed to be an impossible task. When every time I’d turn I around I see your name, I see your face, I’d be constantly reminded of everything. And now, the messages and email come less often, but they still come. And honestly? I feel fucked, each time. I feel violated, each time. I feel heartbroken, each time. I feel forced to relive each devastating, heart wrenching moment.


 I feel like an idiot, because at one point I truly believed that our love could conquer anything, but reality showed me otherwise. Reality showed me that it didn’t matter if I told the truth or if I lied, reality showed me that no matter how many tears I cried, reality showed me that no matter how hard I tried, a man will do as he pleases. It didn’t matter how many times I said ‘I love you’, it didn’t matter how many times I begged, cried, and tried to hold us together. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Not the love, not the promises, not the ring. Nothing mattered.


 I broke the cardinal rule and I gave my everything. So when this ended, I was left with nothing. I was forced to start from scratch. I pulled the knife out from my back, I went into isolation and I took it back.


When you don’t believe in anything, you really will fall for anything. Everything in my being told me that “we” were wrong, but I was in a bad place. I was in a place that left me desperate for love and companionship. That desperation lead me down a dark alley to a man who was shiny, pretty and said all the right things. Until he started to do the wrong things. But he was so shiny. He was so pretty. Until he hit me. But he was so shiny. Then he cheated. But he was shiny. Then he broke my heart. He broke my spirit. He was so shiny, until he wasn’t shiny anymore.


I met you at a time where I didn’t care whether or not I lived or if I died. And I certainly didn’t think that I’d ever meet someone and develop feelings the way that I did. In retrospect, I had no business pursuing anything with anyone. But I met you. And I vowed to myself I would make the necessary changes within myself to make sure my next relationship wouldn’t fail at my hands. I tried and succeeded. I became a better woman for myself, and for you. I have never EVER put so much into a relationship. I carried that relationship ALONE. And it should never have gotten to that point. I gave so much of myself, to a fault. I lost myself and I ALLOWED MYSELF to succumb to your abuse. And for a moment I allowed you to fuck with my mind and convince me it was my fault. But it wasn’t. It was you. Your choices. Your fuck ups. And I loved you so much. I fought so hard and nothing I did or could do that would change that. And I learned that the hard way.


I tried so hard to fix us, to the point where I stayed well longer than I should. I begged you, I cried, I became physically ill…because of you and how badly I wanted to fix this, and keep this. And while I was tormented and sick over it, you walked around as if none of it phased you. And that hurt me even more. You know what you did. You know the lies you told. You know the games you played. So you know why I will never look at you the same way. So you know why I stopped trusting you. So you know why it could NEVER work. You showed me the ugliest sides of you. You showed your ass. And because I can’t trust you, and you showed me that even after all of this, I do not know who you are. I fell in love with a front. And I don’t know you. I couldn’t have a child with you, because I don’t trust you. At all. You lied so much about dumb shit. Your words mean nothing to me. At all. Your tears mean nothing to me. Your feelings mean nothing to me. Because you said you loved me, you wanted to marry me, you would NEVER hurt me or lie to me. And you hurt me in the worst ways possible. You gave me the one thing I always wanted, yet you’re also the reason why I decided I couldn’t keep it…. and that breaks my heart each time I think about it.


I wanted bad. You will never know. I was torn, but so happy to know I had something inside me. I held my stomach all night, all day. Just…in love already. But the impending fears of what’s between us, what would happen there, the ugly in you that I’ve seen, the EVIL in you that I’ve seen. I couldn’t be responsible for bringing a child into this. I didn’t want that baby to suffer because it’s father is evil..and its a harsh word. But it’s nothing but evil for you to be able to stare me in my eyes, and tell me those lies. Over and over. EVIL for you to choke me and look me in the eye with that blank expression. EVIL for you to do what you’ve done…


I’m not writing you to hurt you or guilt you. But you will never, ever understand the ways you’ve hurt me. You will never feel the hurt that you have caused me. You will never….ever understand. And I will never forget. I will always remember that time… I will always remember something. I will always fear that the next one will choke me, or punch me, or hurt me. I’m not going to allow the fear to paralyze me, but I will NEVER forget.


It’s been a struggle, but where I am now, there is no room for this. I can’t carry this anymore. I’ve had time to heal. I’ve had time to reflect. I’ve had time to accept the lessons that “us” taught me.


who is this you left me wit

some simple bitch with a bad attitude

 i wants my things

i want my own things

how i lived them

& give me my memories

how i was when i was there

you can’t have them or do nothing with them

stealin my shit from me

dont make it yours

 makes it stolen

somebody almost run off with alla my stuff

& i was standing there looking at myself the whole time

& it wasn’t a spirit took my stuff

was a man

was a lover i made too much 
room for

 almost run off with alla my stuff

& i didn’t know i’d give it up so quick

& the one running with it
don’t know he got it

& i’m shouting this is mine & he don’t know he got it

my stuff is the anonymous ripped off treasure
 of the year



You’ve had it long enough. I’m taking back my stuff.


